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Women’s History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors Dr. Andrea E. Reid

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Women’s History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors Dr. Andrea Reid

MGH | Rise News

She spoke on every issue that needed to be addressed, adding a soft touch of sincerity and care while touching on healthcare disparities and what it will take for our community to build trust in the health establishment.

It’s always a good feeling knowing we have people like Andrea in the world. Most hero’s wear red capes but others simply where a white coat.

Rise News | MGH Boston

Andrea E. Reid, MD ’88, MPH ’01, is Associate Dean for Student and Multicultural Affairs in the Program in Medical Education and Director of the Office of Recruitment and Multicultural Affairs (ORMA). Dr. Reid is also a faculty member of the Department of Medicine and the Gastrointestinal Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and serves as Director of Diversity and Faculty Development for Gastroenterology.

After graduating from Brown University in 1984, Dr. Reid came to HMS, where she earned her MD in 1988. She trained in internal medicine and GI at MGH. After completing her GI clinical and research fellowship, she joined the HMS faculty and the MGH Department of Medicine. During her tenure, Dr. Reid co-chaired the Internship Selection Committee for Medical Services, directed the GI fellowship at MGH, taught GI in the HMS curriculum and mentored numerous medical students.

While at MGH, Dr. Reid earned an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health and contributed to the greater Boston community by speaking in public schools, churches, and at community events, where she encouraged students to stay in school, pursue their dreams, consider careers in STEM and Medicine, and “lift as they climb.” Dr. Reid was honored with several awards in recognition of her commitment to teaching and mentorship at HMS, MGH and in the community.

In 2009, Dr. Reid left Boston to serve as a gastroenterologist and hepatologist at the Washington, DC VA Medical Center. Her clinical and research interests include hepatitis C virus infection, especially in African Americans, racial disparities in liver disease and liver transplantation, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and medical education. Dr. Reid continued to travel to Boston annually to teach in the GI pathophysiology block at HMS for almost a decade.

Dr. Reid has also held several national leadership roles, including chairing the GI Training Examination (GTE) for the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) and membership in the Manpower and Training, Public Policy and Advocacy, and Nominating Committees of the AGA; and chairing the AGA Task Force on Under-represented Minorities. She served on the Education and Clinical Research Committees of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD), and was a member of the American Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Internal Medicine Residency Review Committee (RRC) from 2010-2017, serving on the executive committee from 2013-2017. She was also a member of the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation. She is a frequent lecturer on liver-related topics and medical education at local, regional and national GI meetings and postgraduate courses.

Dr Reid is married to Karl Reid, Executive Director of the National Society of Black Engineers, and the mother of three adult children. Jasmine is a PhD student in anthropology at Stanford University, Drew works in finance in New York City, and Miles is a college student at Tufts University. Dr. Reid enjoys cooking and baking, exercising, singing, traveling, and is an avid reader. She is passionate about mentorship and enjoys connecting young people to opportunities that can help them to fulfill their dreams.

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