Rise Celestial Studios encompasses both a domestic and global presence approach when conducting all forms of services our studio represents. We have an elite team of professionals who can access any need be it Film/TV Production, Marketing and Distribution and even strategizing for procuring funds for your project!

If you have a need no matter where you are in the US or the globe we can help!  

Jazz Dottin Head Shot


Region : New England 

Jazz Dottin is a Program and Marketing Professional based in Massachusetts. She’s worked in the tourism field for over 10 years, developing and operating group travel itineraries, leading tour groups, selling travel packages and more. She’s a graduate of Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management, with a keen interest in sharing the local culture of cities; its people, unique places, and history. Jazz’s most recent project is a YouTube Series titled, Black Gems Unearthed, which highlights Black history of Massachusetts.



Region : South Atlantic



Region : Mid Atlantic


Rise Celestial Studios has a long history of working diligently to apply years of experience and success in completing motion picture productions, marketing, social media outreach, graphic design, and campaign fundraising to all those interested in learning the ropes and hungry enough to perceiver despite the challenges present in the industry.

Internships/Apprenticeship programs are available in every department and submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

Marketing & Promotions, Event Productions, Graphic Design, Writing, and many more!

Each program Entry is PAID and lasts 90 Days.

Upon completion, you receive a Certificate of Completion with the company letterhead and platinum wreath along with a written Letter of Recommendation from CEO/President Ralph A. Celestin.

Immediately following completion many of the studio’s Alumni have gone forward with their careers with incredible job placement in creative positions!

Ye be warned, for the boulevard of broken dreams is a treacherous path for those weak of mind and weak of spirit.

 – (President of Rise Celestial studios)

High is the threshold and low is the rate of completion when it comes to Rise Studios. Often more than not applicants quit and or have their contract terminated after just the first assignment. If you are willing to learn we shall teach but humility must be a strong suit or you will quickly find yourself blaming others for lack of knowledge or success rather than yourself.

INTERESTED APPLICANTS can submit resumes and cover letters via the CONTACT Tab.

CLASS 20-21

Going far back as 2017-2018 in GOLD TRIM like Harvard crimson

Mark Davenport

Elena Eberwein

Betsy Montes

Mark Davenport_Rise Celestial Studios