SeJoe Releases Groundbreaking Comedy Special on Amazon Prime

Story By Rise Celestial Marketing


Boston | Rise News

The greatest impact one can make at a time when heartbreak and crisis is all we hear about, is to release something meant to bring joy and laughter. @se_joe is a living legend and this project showcases his talent and affinity in merging both the Haitian culture and it’s history to modern day. Go watch now ! -Ralph Celestin, Producer /Director of the Comedy Special

For all of thousands of fans who have never had the chance to see comedian star Sejoe perform live, his groundbreaking stand-up special, Nou Chaje ak Pwoblèm, is now available on Amazon Prime Video. Get your family together and vin griyen dan w!

“Nou Chaje ak Pwoblèm” (We Got A Lot of Problems) is a one-hour stand-up comedy performance, written and produced by Sejoe. It is rooted in Haitian folklore traditions that emphasize the politics of both Haiti and America, the importance of language and the contradictions of religion.


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