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Black History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins

Story By Rise Celestial Marketing

-CEO/President of Rise Celestial Studios shares his fond memory meeting the esteem Sheriff Tompkins for the first time.

The overwhelming amount of security I had to go through before being able to sit in front of him told me everything I needed to know about the level of importance and the level of responsibility Sheriff Tompkins possessed.

The Commonwealth | Rise News

He was cool, calm and collected. No question he was seasoned enough to feel at home in front of a camera and at peace in front of a frontline journalist such as myself. He was ready for everything I threw at him and I certainly threw at him my best and hardest questions I could conjure up.


Steven W. Tompkins, a member of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department since 2002, was appointed to serve as the Sheriff of Suffolk County on January 22nd, 2013 by Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, and was elected in November of 2014.

As the Sheriff of Suffolk County, Tompkins manages all operations at the Suffolk County House of Correction, the Nashua Street Jail and the Civil Process Division. In addition to providing care, custody and rehabilitative support for inmates and pre–trial detainees, Tompkins also oversees a management, security and administrative staff of over 1,000.

As the former Chief of External Affairs for the Department, Sheriff Tompkins supervised his own division and was a member of his predecessor’s nine-person Executive Team, which was responsible for the day-to-day management of all Sheriff’s Department operations

He also created the innovative “Common Ground Institute,” a vocational training and re–entry program that teaches marketable vocation skills in a classroom setting; and he created the “Choice Program” which sends trained officers into the schools of Boston, Chelsea, Winthrop and Revere to deliver on the program’s mission of helping young people to make positive choices for future success while reinforcing the theme of respect for oneself and for others around them.

Sheriff Tompkins is an engaged community leader and respected advocate, serving as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for Roxbury Community College, as former Board Chair of the Sportsman’s Tennis Club and as a member of the board for City Year Boston. In 2011, Tompkins was appointed by Governor Patrick to serve as a Board member of the Boston Finance Commission. Sheriff Tompkins also served as chair of the Community Service Board for the Dimock Center, a Roxbury-based community health center that provides convenient access to quality medical and mental health care and human services, and he recently stepped down from service on their Foundation Board. The Sheriff previously served as the Dimock Center’s Director of Marketing and Public Affairs prior to joining the Suffolk County Sheriff’s

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