Category: Music

Black History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors Black Girls. America | Rise News A term used to celebrate the beauty, power, resilience and universal awesomeness of black women. -The definition of Black Girl Magic My entire life I have been surrounded by Black women. My family like so many others is filled with black girl […]

There is a crisis among the Black boys of America. From unhealthy environments both emotionally and physically at home, to K-12 educational experiences which can lead ultimately down the school pipeline straight to the cycle of incarceration. And this is occurring in increasingly high numbers!  Only through independently educating myself on these topics and doing […]

Black History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors Oscar Devereaux Micheaux.Illinois | Rise News He set the precedent. At a time where the motion  picture industry was only covering stories told for and by a certain demographic other than Black, Oscar stood alone and challenged the status quo. He is my hero, a role model and a […]

Black History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors Ralph Waldo Ellison. Oklahoma | Rise News “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but when it comes to the Invisible man and the first time I laid eyes on it, it was truly love at […]

Black History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors House Rep. Liz Miranda. Boston | Rise News I snapped the perfect photo of State Representative Liz Miranda. She was in her bag the entire interview casually moving off script to on script, touching on all her talking points while still doing her best to stay true to […]

Black History Month: Rise Celestial Studios Honors  Nipsey Hussle LA | Rise News I was very young when Tupac and Biggie were murdered in cold blood but I still shared the pain of millions that mourned the lost of such talent in such a violent manner. This time around, I was of age when The […]